“who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification.” [romans 4:25]
our trespasses and our justification
this time of year has our minds wrapped around christmas, and the joy of our Savior’s birth. our thoughts linger around a manger in bethlehem and the brightest star in the sky. as you envision the place, it is likely to be night time, with shepherds, wise men, and animals gathered around.
however you see it, the little town of bethlehem is a place of peace, joy, hope, and promise of a newborn King who has come to save us from our sins!
yet in that manger began a series of events that would lead to the crucifixion. the tidings of ‘peace on earth, good will to men’ would slowly wind their way to a crowd chanting ‘crucify Him!’
Jesus came to earth as one of us, walked among us, and the miracle of the virgin birth led Him to a cross on a hill. this feels tragic, and it should certainly be sombering, but it was the God’s plan from the beginning.
Jesus was placed on earth to live a perfect, sinless live, and be delivered up for our trespasses. because of the birth, we have the cross, and because of the cross we have forgiveness of sin.
fortunately, the story does not end there, as he was also ‘raised for our justification’. death did not win! death has lost its sting, and no longer holds dominion over us.
on the heels of the brutality and inhumanity of the cross comes the glory and victory of the resurrection. as we sing in ‘joy to the world’, Jesus was “born that man no more may die”. in Christ we do not just have a good story to tell, we have a testimony of victory, of love, of freedom, of release, and of life everlasting.
as we celebrate the birth of our Savior in that little town so many years ago, let us also celebrate His eternal work at the cross, and the glorious resurrection that followed. because of Jesus our trespasses are no more, our justification is certain, and our future with him in heaven is secured.
~ jason soroski