Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree” — [galatians 3:13]




what does it mean to be fully, truly, free?

in the first century, slavery was a common practice, and the word ‘redeemed’ was the word used to refer to a slave whose freedom had been purchased. slaves who had been ‘redeemed’ were no longer slaves, and would never have to be slaves again. their freedom had been purchased for a price, and they would never again be shackled or treated as property. they were free, but with a price.

we are by out very nature born in to slavery. we are slaves to the law of moses – it points out that we can never free ourselves from this slavery – the price is too steep. we can only strive to meet a goal that is impossibly unreachable.

in quoting deuteronomy 21:23 when saying that anyone who hangs on a tree is cursed, paul connects that old testament law to the crucifixion of Jesus, which of course involved the son of God executed by hanging on a tree.

because not one single human being can keep the law, we are clearly guilty of breaking the law. we are cursed by it, and enslaved to the sin that it produces. thank God that Jesus took that guilt upon Himself on the cross! Jesus didn’t only take on that curse, paul writes that He became the curse. the holy, perfect, Son of God gave up all that He is to become the curse.

this kind of redemption is worthy of more praise than we could ever give.  in Christ, we are cleansed of guilt, sin and shame, and we are eternally free.

john 8:36 tells us, “so if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed”. when we embrace the freedom that is ours in Christ, letting go of all else but Him, we can experience true, peace, joy, and unhindered freedom.



~ jason soroski