and on the following day they entered caesarea. cornelius was expecting them and had called together his relatives and close friends. when peter entered, cornelius met him and fell down at his feet and worshiped him. but peter lifted him up, saying, “\stand up;  i too am a man.” [acts 10:24-26]


at times, when we are not giving ourselves fully to Jesus in worship, we will worship anything and everything but God.


we will worship …

  • ourself
  • our family
  • our job
  • our successes
  • our failures
  • our dreams
  • our kids
  • our parenting
  • our country
  • our passions
  • our hobby
  • our freedom
  • our church
  • our body
  • our food
  • our ministry
  • our comfort
  • our relationships
  • our control
  • our marriage
  • our power
  • our money
  • our approval
  • our home
  • our heroes
  • our favorite artists
  • and on and on and on


will you stop for a minute and ask the LORD what you are worshiping right now that is not him.

ask him … and listen. do it now.


what you will him hear him say is, “confess this. let it go. turn to ME and see that I AM a great and loving God who longs for your worship because I AM the only one who can satisfy the longing in you to worship something truly greater than you.”


turn to him now.

fall before HIM. the great I AM is worthy of your worship!

worship him now.

begin by praising him for who HE is and what HE has done.

make a list. take the next 10 minutes and just make a list .

let the list rise as an offering today before the LORD. HE is worthy!



~ john ryan