all Scripture is breathed out by God [2 timothy 3:16]

our current and eternal life hang upon what we functionally do with this truth.

i encourage you to spend some time in prayer over this scripture. you have several options to engage the LORD in this time.

  1. you can thank him that he has opened your eyes and heart to believe that ALL scripture comes from God’s mouth. and, you can thank him that not only do you deeply believe this, but you live in the soul altering truths of the gospel that the scripture lays out in every book of the bible. 2 timothy 3:15-16 defines you. thank him for this now, and thank him for his word and how it has transformed your life. what passage is God using right now to bring change? think through that passage and thank him for how he is using his word to wreck and restore your soul.
  2. maybe you can thank him that he has opened your eyes and heart to believe that ALL scripture comes from God’s mouth. but, you struggle to live in the soul altering truths of the gospel that the scripture lays out in every book of the bible. it is one thing to believe scripture is from God and it is another to live out this belief. right now, ask God to help you in this unbelief. let romans 15:13 guide your prayers today. “may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”
  3. you may need to ask God to help you believe that ALL scripture comes God. you may struggle believing scripture is from God alone. this can be a dangerous place or a life changing place. it will be dangerous if your unbelief leads you away from God and to men who also don’t believe. it will be a life changing place if your unbelief leads you to God. pray. go to God now and ask for belief. ask him to reveal himself through his word. read 1 corinthians 1:18-31 and ask God to show himself.

your current and eternal life hang upon what you functionally do with this truth: all Scripture is breathed out by God. [2 timothy 3:16]

one last thing. the document below is a history of the canon of scripture. canon means – a collection or list of sacred books accepted as genuine. the bible is a collection of books that was compiled over years. ALL scripture is from God, but men gathered these books. how? how do we know we have the right books. in the document below, you can read how this happened and why there is so much veracity in the belief that the bible absolutely contains the words of God breathed out by our Creator. reading this document will not help you believe. only God’s Spirit can do this in you through his WORD. but, this document may help you have confidence that the words you are reading where not compiled by some random chance. enjoy!

~ john ryan