“but as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you have learned it…” [2 timothy 3:14]
continue. hold fast. stand firm.
hear this call. this call to stand firm and steadfast in the faith with your feet firmly planted on the word of God.
believe that the word of God is living, believe that it is active and sharp (heb 4:12) and allow the word of God to handle your heart. don’t try to make the gospel, the good news, the word of God fit your own ideas and agendas. come in humility and allow it to shape and mold you. allow Jesus to transform your heart in and through his word.
and continue in that. continue allowing Jesus to transform your heart. continue diving into his word, living in community, discipling and being discipled.
continue spending time in the presence of God, that’s why we exist, to live for Jesus and to make his name known. dive into his word and make his name known. and he will transform your heart, as you go through his word instead of going around it.
the call is the same, no matter where you are in the faith, continue.
to the new believer, continue in your faith, it may feel small and the lies of the enemy may seem loud, but continue, don’t give up, don’t loose heart. Jesus is right there walking with you and growing your faith as you spend time in his word, going through it, instead of around it and pressing into his presence.
to the seasoned believer, continue in your faith. stand strong, don’t grow weary in well doing (gal 6:9) but continue. keep pressing into Jesus, asking him to renew that fire and that passion in your heart. remain steadfast in his word, unshakeable in the truth of the gospel as you walk through his word. and as you do, walk through the truth in scripture instead of around it.
so take courage, Jesus is steadfast. he is unchangeable, never moving and never changing. he is faithful and a solid foundation for our hearts to rest on. so take time today to rest, take time to be encouraged. your faith is not in vain, your hope is not in vain. Jesus is faithful, he will never leave. the one who called you, who saved you and who is redeeming you still calls. and, he promises to hold you fast to the end.
be encouraged, spend time in the presence of God and in his word and be still before him as you walk through his word and his truth.
~ josiah bridges