now when they had testified and spoken the word of the Lord, they returned to jerusalem, preaching the gospel to many villages of the samaritans. [acts 8:25]
as you go – make disciples
in matthew 28:19, Jesus said, “go and make disciples.” in the language of the new testament (greek), the verb means “as you go.” it is an ongoing, continuous progressive action – as you go.
they returned to jerusalem, preaching the gospel to many villages …
peter and john came to samaria to help affirm and establish the first work of the church through the power of the Holy Spirit. after this moment [acts 8:14-24], the headed back to jerusalem. as they went (“as you go”), they had many moments to declare the good news of the gospel seeking to make disciples to everyone at every opportunity.
“as you go” moments
every day, (unless you are on a solitude retreat with the LORD), you have an opportunity to make disciples as you go. that means two things.
1. first, it means God has countless, limitless moments to declare the good news of the gospel to make disciples of Jesus Christ. declaring the gospel, inviting unbelievers into your daily life in words that speak the gospel truths and deed that evidence the power of the gospel in you, is part of making disciples.
ask the LORD now for these divine moments today – right now!
2. second, it means God has believers who need to be intentionally poured into, built up, and sent out. investing the word of God through the power of the Spirit into another believer – so they can grow up into the image of God – so they can give this away to others, is part of making disciples.
if you are not discipling another believer, ask the LORD if you are ready to do this? (ask another leader too.)
if you are discipling another believer, ask the LORD for endurance and joy in him in this work – right now!
give me your eyes to see those who you are directing me toward. help me, through the power of your Spirit, to make disciples, as i go! in Jesus name- amen!
~ john ryan