now when they saw the boldness of peter and john, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. and they recognized that they had been with Jesus. [acts 4:13]


the very first sermon i heard when i first visited matthias in november of 2018 was entitled “are you bold?”


(that sermon can be found here.) it had a profound effect in my life because i was walking in secret sin, anxious, depressed and coming from a difficult church situation.   matthias was different, loud and full of a different energy than i was used to, but deep down, i now know that the discomfort that i felt was the Holy Spirit working.  in the sermon, pastor marc spoke about the man who was born blind for the glory of God found in john 9–when this man was questioned by the authorities about the miracle that brought him sight, he answers them:

“i have told you already, and you would not listen. why do you want to hear it again? [john 9:27b]


in the scenario with peter and john and with the blind man in john 9, there is contention with the authorities, but they speak with boldness in the face of the established order. the only answer that can be given as to why these men are so boldly convinced  is that these men have seen Jesus face to face–it is the only answer to blind eyes becoming clear, lame men walking and courage in the face of trial and tribulation.  

“do you also want to become his disciples?” [john 9:27c]


the offer is there–we may not have seminary degrees or a deep theological education. we may be poor public speakers, we may be blind, lame, anxious, depressed and broken, but when we have Jesus Christ, he forgives, and heals, then sends us out to proclaim the truth–we cannot help but make the offer of healing, discipleship and eternal life  to others.  only one thing causes a boldness that causes a disregard for reputation, possessions and position–being with Jesus, abiding with Jesus, walking with Jesus. 


we are his disciples. let us run to the presence of God for healing and ask for boldness to rise–let us be with Jesus.


~ ce