[3] seeing peter and john about to go into the temple, he asked to receive alms. [4] and peter directed his gaze at him, as did john, and said, “look at us.” [5] and he fixed his attention on them, expecting to receive something from them. [6] but peter said, “i have no silver and gold, but what i do have i give to you. in the name of Jesus Christ of nazareth, rise up and walk!” [acts 3:3-6]

in my experience, stories like this one seem like exactly that, a nice story. but this story gives us an opportunity to be reminded of the power of our God, and an opportunity to see human men participate in giving glory to God.

the power:

the lame beggar had been in that condition from birth. he had been desperately begging for money, clothes, and I’m sure healing for years and years. and in one unexpected moment through the power of God, he is healed! this story can remind us of how we are called to pray in hard circumstances: in desperation. desperation causes us to pray for the big things, the unimaginable things, the things that we honestly aren’t even sure if they’re possible… yet we ask for them anyway because we have seen, both in God’s word and through experiencing the Lord in our lives, the power of our God.

giving glory:

on the other side of the experience of this miracle, we have peter and john. walking in step with the Spirit, they have the opportunity to participate in a demonstration of the power of God. they had every opportunity to walk past this man like i’m sure so many did that day. they could have given the beggar a little money and walked away, or they could have attempted to perform the healing in their own power or taken all the credit and glory afterwards. all of these options would have quenched the Spirit. but walking in obedience of the prompting of the Holy Spirit, peter and john heal this man and glorify God through the only name worthy on heaven and earth: Jesus Christ.

as children of God we have the opportunity to pray for the big things, knowing that they’re never promised, but believing that our God has the power to do all things. and as prayers are answered, we get to give the glory to the name that is above every name: Jesus Christ.

[20] now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, [21] to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. amen. [ephesians 3:20-21]


~ john sandman,