he who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision. then he will speak to them in his wrath, and terrify them in his fury, saying, “as for me, i have set my King on zion, my holy hill.” [psalm 2:4-6]
derision. fury. wrath. terrify.
these words establish a tone that is far from friendly.
earlier in this psalm, we are told that the nations and their kings ‘rage’ against the Lord and his Anointed. here we learn that God laughs at this nonsense, and these intense words tell more of the story.
derision is not a word many of us use on a regular basis, but it holds a striking power. to deride someone is to consider them ridiculous in the most literal way: they are worthy of only ridicule and mockery.
God holds us in derision when we think that we can somehow de-throne him, change his plans, or imagine that we could somehow overcome his might and power. it truly is absurd, and the idea is well worth mocking.
those who attempt it will be terrified by his response, and even more terrified by what happens in verse 6, as his good and righteous King is established.
fortunately, verse 6 doesn’t have to be scary at all! when we trust in Jesus, the true King whom God has set over all eternity, we are overjoyed in his presence and his victory over evil. we no longer fear the wrath and fury of God, because this King took it upon himself at the cross on our behalf.
accepting God as King allows us to live in peace, faith, hope and joy instead of wrath, fury, derision and terror. In every situation, may we always trust in the One who holds all power, and not fall into the trap of raging against him.
~ jason soroski