he had sent judah ahead of him to joseph to show the way before him in goshen, and they came into the land of goshen. then joseph prepared his chariot and went up to meet israel his father in goshen. he presented himself to him and fell on his neck and wept on his neck a good while. israel said to joseph, “now let me die, since i have seen your face and know that you are still alive.” [genesis 46:28-30]
sweet reunion!
this moment we’ve all been waiting for is such a beautiful scene of jacob and joseph being reunited after being apart for decades. insurmountable emotions must have filled both of their hearts and minds. this was home. to be in the embrace of each other’s arms was home.
we see a similar reunion in the return of the prodigal son. [luke 15] after the son’s extravagant wanderings, he returns to his father with much of the same anticipation, hoping to be accepted back as a servant, hoping to be allowed home. but the father more than accepts him back, embracing and kissing him in his overflowing joy. there is nothing more reassuring than a loving father’s embrace. in this embrace, the son was home.
have you experienced this with your heavenly Father? have you come to your senses after a period of distance and separation and returned to the reassuring embrace of his strong, loving arms? realizing that he never left you, you just didn’t see him? [heb 13:5]
maybe that’s where you’re at today. feeling distant and alone. feeling drained of all strength and joy. go to your Father’s embrace. go to Jesus and weep on his neck a good while. the blood of Jesus Christ has made a way for you to enter into the presence of God, and you can enter with confidence in that blood! in this sweet reunion you will find mercy and grace to help you in your time of need. [heb 4:16]
~ arwen eastman