then job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head and fell on the ground and worshiped. and he said, “naked i came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall i return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” [job 1:20-21]




Abba, Father–


let me weep for my sin.

let me lament the dishonoring of your holy Name

let me rend my heart in lamentation when you are dishonored. 

let me feel the weight of my sin and how it separates me from you!

when terrible calamity strikes, let me not be cold and unfeeling, but let me feel the deep sting of death and sin of the whole world, and cause me to turn to you.

let me feel sorrow for how my own sin has caused pain. 

let me run to you in a posture of neediness, helplessness.  


all i have, all i need, is Christ!

blessed be the name of the Lord!




our Father–


help me to believe that when all seems lost, i can endure because of what Christ has done. 

let me sing your praises, 

let me lift my voice to bless your Name! 

you are holy! you are righteous!  you are just! 

you are King of kings, Lord of Lords, Name above all names! 

let me consider my affliction and my discipline to be proof of your love for me! 

let me be filled with unspeakable joy and peace that surpasses understanding!


all i have, all i need is Christ!

Blessed be the name of the Lord!


amen, amen.


~ ce