great is the Lord, and abundant in power;
his understanding is without measure.
[psalm 147:5]
his understanding is without measure
how can we understand something without measure? everything in our world is measurable. every mountain has a height, every trip it’s length—even friendships have their limits. there is only one who is immeasurable! we can do no thing that will remove his forgiveness from us; we can say no thing to quench his steadfast love! God is our one immeasurable constant.
if it’s hard for us to understand God’s power or love or forgiveness as immeasurable, his immeasurable understanding is even harder. in the midst of our suffering, when we feel forsaken and forgotten, how could God understand and yet leave us in that place? we may never understand, because his understanding is above our own. we may be comforted with this: God is also immeasurably good.
and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
[romans 8:28]
Lord, teach us to trust in your sovereign goodness, even when we cannot understand. your understanding is above our comprehension; show us the peace that passes all understanding in your presence!
~stephen hall