“was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?” and beginning with moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself. [luke 24:26-27]
the necessity of Christ—seen all through scripture
the gospel is not something “tacked on” to every old testament story—it is the fulfillment of every old testament story. from adam, to abraham, to noah, the judges, kings, and prophets, the truth was clear—nothing short of God coming all the way to us and taking our punishment would ever set things right, would ever set us right! and for some reason God counted us as worth coming to die for? what a mystery!
this is too short a devotional to do this justice, but let’s just think of david. david, the pride and joy of israel! david, the king in the good ol’ days! he begins his life with good character, and acts and submits in worship to God, but even this man after God’s own heart falls so far. oh, the hope of Jesus! oh, that the power to overcome temptation lives in us! praise the Lord!
~stephen hall