know then that it is those of faith who are the sons of abraham. [galatians 3:7]


know– do you have confidence that you are included in the inheritance of Christ?


are you living in this confidence? that’s what this verse is all about. to know it. to have confident assurance. to be certain of what it takes to be a child of God. and out of this certainty, to act like it.

i write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life. [1 john 5:13]


sons of abraham– our inheritance is no longer governed by our bloodline. probably most of us are not jews by birth. probably most of our fathers and sons were not circumcised on the eighth day by a jewish rabbi. probably most of us aren’t following many jewish holidays and traditions. but thanks be to God for the new covenant made by the blood of Christ! he is the only way to the Father, and now through his blood, access to the Father is available to us gentiles! we can share in the promises of abraham because of the blood of Christ!

for I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the jew first and also to the greek [or gentile]. [romans 1:16]


those of faith– as we heard on wednesday night, faith is more than believing that there is a God. the demons also believe, and shudder. [james 2:19] so what is the difference between this kind of belief and saving faith? the difference is love! true faith in jesus as our only savior will lead to a love for him that leads to a life lived for him. this love will be evidenced by a humble trust of his words, a joyful obedience of his commands, a celebratory love for his bride, and a compassionate urgency for the lost. this is what it looks like to walk by faith in Christ and to walk in step with the Spirit! so ask yourself, and answer honestly, am i walking by saving faith in Jesus? am i living out of a confident faith in my Savior?

i have been crucified with Christ. it is no longer i who live, but Christ who lives in me. and the life i now live in the flesh i live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. [galatians 2:20]


so today, sit quietly for a moment in the presence of your Father in heaven, and know that you are his child, and that he is your God. if your faith is in Christ his Son, you are forgiven of sin, free from his wrath, filled with his Spirit, lavished with his love.


Father, we praise you for your plan of redemption. we thank you for the sacrifice of your Son that brings us into your family. we praise you for placing faith in our heart to see and know your glory. strengthen our faith in your love. give us confidence to live in the freedom we have as your children. help us to walk by faith. help us to walk in step with the Spirit who lives in us. we trust you.


~ arwen eastman