now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. [2 corinthians 3:17]
we are indwelt by the Spirit of God. our hearts are governed by him.
not like that of a tyrannical leader or a harsh parent, but in a way that reveals the glory of God, making it look as irresistible as it truly is, so that we see it as desirable and satisfying. he reveals it through the word of God and the face of Jesus. we have the freedom to walk in him and not in our flesh. we can walk with thoughts, actions, desires, and ideologies that are God-glorifying and all satisfying. the world does not have this freedom, it is a gift to those who are called children of God. freedom that leads to peace and joy. freedom from living in fear and from living in an endless cycle of striving for satisfaction that can never be achieved. freedom to live as a son or daughter of the King, with a secure hope of an eternity with Him. Endless inexpressible joy.
this freedom we have was planned by the Father, paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ, and sealed and guaranteed by the Holy Spirit. to walk in this freedom is life. yet so often, daily, even hourly, we’re faced with temptation to return to the slavery of our flesh the way the Israelites were tempted to return to their slavery in Egypt! we’ve tasted and seen the glory of God, and like dogs, our flesh cries out to return to the vomit of our sin! think of the sins you return to daily. my flesh clings to control of others. to comfort in food. to pride in accomplishments. to satisfaction in self righteousness.
so how do we walk in the freedom of the Spirit? how do we grow in his fruit? how do we live in his power? we have to let him do his job of revealing to us the glory of God! we read the Word daily, asking for him to open our eyes, that we might behold wondrous things out of his law. [psalm 119:18] we talk to him daily, many times daily! we praise and we plead, repent and rejoice, we ask for soft hearts, for conviction of sin, for joy in salvation, for repentance, for satisfaction in God’s glory, for a passion for his name, for urgency for the lost, for a life full of worship!
these are two vital pieces of living a life in the Spirit. first, letting him speak to us through his word, and second, speaking to him out of our hearts and listening for his response. an important question to ask yourself then, is are you skipping the first because the second is easier? here are some ways to evaluate.
are you asking for revelation, for power, for desire and passion, for fruit…without seeking him in his word?
are you asking for answers to life’s problems without consistently looking to the character of God in his word?
are you looking for divine direction to make life choices without knowing the principles of God in his law?
is it easier to seek him in music, or friends, or a book, then from his own voice written to you?
does he bring scripture to your mind as you talk to him in prayer?
don’t hear me condemning any of these avenues of worship and communication. just be honest with yourself on how dependent you are on the word of God as your means to know God. the Spirit leads to freedom. his primary means to this end is through the written word of God. they are perfectly aligned, and perfectly paired. so seek him! he and his freedom are waiting for you!
~ arwen eastman