who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began, [2 tim 1:9]


grace – is a powerful and beautiful gift that constantly disturbs our old nature.

God “saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ …”


God’s grace is powerful and beautiful gift.

grace rescues me from the power of sin and from the judgment on my sin.

grace has called us to God’s side as son’s and daughters with a holy eternal calling.

grace has nothing to do with me. all Jesus. zero me.

grace consumed my debt in the life and death of Jesus.


grace constantly disturbs our old nature.

grace says, your sin requires a savior – there is no other option.

grace says, apart from Jesus – you are an enemy of God.

grace says, your works offer nothing to your righteousness before God.

grace says, God called you to him before time began.


grace is beautiful and powerful because it says you need a savior you don’t deserve and yet God provided one anyway – Jesus!

grace disturbs our old nature because it says you need a savior you don’t deserve. we want to deserve it. but we don’t



Lord, I confess – my old nature bristles at grace. my flesh fights that it needs a savior, a redeemer, a life giver. my flesh fights that i bring nothing to the table that earns me love or favor from you. my flesh fights grace. help me recognize that my flesh hates grace. kill my flesh that desires me to be god. help me rejoice in the beauty and power of your grace that called me to you. i didn’t and don’t deserve it. help me rejoice that your grace is greater than my sin. help me rejoice that you gave all of yourself so i could have all of you. help me rejoice because your grace is greater!


~ john ryan