for in what were you less favored than the rest of the churches, except that i myself did not burden you? forgive me this wrong! here for the third time i am ready to come to you. and i will not be a burden, for i seek not what is yours but you. for children are not obligated to save up for their parents, but parents for their children.  [2 cor 12:13-14]


‘i seek not what is yours but you.’ who in your life do you feel this way about? who has God placed in your realm of influence so that you can be his ambassador and conduit of his grace? who do you long for to understand the beautiful character of God?


this passage is just making me take a step back and reflect on why i am here on this earth, in this country, in this day and age. i am here to proclaim the excellencies of him who called me out of darkness into his marvelous light. [2 peter 2:9] i am here to stir other believers up to love and good deeds. [hebrews 10:24] i am here to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that [Jesus has] commanded [me]. [matthew 28:19-20] i am here to run with endurance the race that has been set before me [hebrews 12:1] as i look at Jesus and his joy in suffering.

thinking of the people the Lord has placed in your small pocket of the world, do you seek them? not what they bring to the relationship, not the trivial things you may have in common, not the sporting events your kids share, not the mutual annoyance you have with your boss or leader or parent, not your love for the same restaurants, but their soul for eternity. we all find it easy to say we’re only here for a little while. in what ways are you living out that reality? with urgency? boldness? love for the lost? passion for the bride of Christ?

if the enemy is using your time of reflection to bring guilt and shame, let me speak against that right now. you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a son or daughter of the King of all things. and you are loved.

so in the presence of your Father who loves you, ask him how he might have you live out who you are in Christ. think of things in your life that are not eternal or not reflecting his glory, hindering you from living out your purpose. ask him what you might do with those things. pray for passion for his kingdom, and think of ways that you might proclaim his excellencies to the next generation of believers, with a cup of grace that overflows because you have drunk freely from His.


Father, i am yours. have your way in me, to the praise of your glorious grace.


~arwen eastman