[7] or did i commit a sin in humbling myself so that you might be exalted, because i preached God’s gospel to you free of charge? [8] i robbed other churches by accepting support from them in order to serve you. [9] and when i was with you and was in need, i did not burden anyone, for the brothers who came from macedonia supplied my need. so i refrained and will refrain from burdening you in any way. [10] as the truth of Christ is in me, this boasting of mine will not be silenced in the regions of achaia. [11] and why? because i do not love you? God knows i do! [2 corinthians 11:7–11]
what would you say about yourself – that God would affirm – because he knows it too?
i immediately think of the sin struggles in my life that i know and God knows too. I think of my battle with …
- comparison
- pride
- being overwhelmed by the darkness of this world
- giving into fear of what others think of me
- self-righteousness
the list could on, but you get the point. i know these things about me and God knows them too!
besides sin, temptations, and struggles, what are areas of righteousness, that by God’s grace, you know about you and God knows about you? what truths is he asking you to believe about him – that you believe? because of Christ’s work, what truths is he asking you to believe about you – that you believe? what is he asking you to do, to faith, to let go of, to pick up, or to pray for – that you are doing?
paul said, i am going to keep on doing what i am doing because i love you – “God knows i do!” what a humble, yet powerful statement. he wasn’t boasting in himself. he was boasting in the work of Christ in him and through him. read the passage again and you will see this.
take a moment today and ask the Lord, what area of righteousness, that by your grace, you know and i know is true? ask him. wait on him. and, let the Holy Spirit encourage you. one of his roles is to bring conviction of righteousness to believers. (john 16:8) he longs to bring to your mind what he knows is true about you by his grace and his work. let him do that today.
and as he does, …
bow your knee in humble thankfulness, and
cry out for more of his presence to change more of your life into more of his perfect image!
Holy Spirit, come convict me of righteousness for your name’s sake, for your glory, and to encourage my heart to see where you are at work in me and through me. come and reveal and then stir my heart to worship you. you alone can redeem and restore a life. come Lord, honor your name and the work of your son, Jesus. in his holy and powerful name, amen!
~ john ryan