while they long for you and pray for you, because of the surpassing grace of God upon you [2 corithians 9:14]


these “presence” writings were started to help you meet with God, to engage in the very presence of God. don’t forget this as you read through this writing today. may i encourage you right now, at this very moment, to stop. ask God to remind you that he is with you.

and I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. you know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you. [john 14:16–17]

i am with you always, to the end of the age.” [matthew 28:20]

i will never leave you nor forsake you.” [hebrews 13:5]

ask God to make you aware of his presence. ask God to help you submit to and engage his presence – even if you don’t feel or sense him. he is here. speak to him now. he is with you …


now, before you read the passage from 2 corinthians 9:14 again. ask God to speak to you through this passage. you probably won’t hear his voice, but if you do please, tell me about it. what you might sense if you wait on him is an urging, a tug.  so, speak to him now. ask him to speak to you.

read 2 corinthians 9:14 again. you may want to read the verses around it in 2 corinthians 9.


  • what is God stirring in your heart?
  • what is he asking you to believe, to do?
  • will you ask him for the power and belief to do what he is asking?
  • will you obey – joyfully?


Father, we thank you for your presence. for meeting with us. may we never take for granted that you are with us and that by the work of Jesus on the cross who has made us holy vessels, you are in us and will never leave us. remind us today, you what we were made for – your very presence. may we be aware of your presence all day. may you gently nudge us all day, or boldly and loudly wake us. we are your vessels, help us delight in your presence and know the joy of your presence today. in Jesus name – amen!


~ john ryan