for God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us so that whether we are awake or asleep we might live with him. therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. [1 thessalonians 5:9-11]
church! hallelujah! God has not destined us for wrath!
in Christ Jesus, we are adopted as sons and daughters into the family of the King of the universe. through his blood, we have forgiveness of sins, salvation from wrath, and the promise of an eternal weight of glory to come. what more encouragement do we need to journey through life together with him and with each other? what would it look like to take this eternal mindset into every circumstance? what would it do to our conversations at work or in our neighborhoods? what would it do to the bitterness of unforgiveness? what would it do to the quarreling in our marriages? or with the control we desire over our children? what would it do to our addictions? our idols? our money? our time?
how often do you sit with a friend or a brother and celebrate who God is and what he has done for us? we all need this truth every day!
Father, i am nothing, and i have nothing, and i deserve your wrath. but in Christ Jesus, you have made me a child of the Almighty King, and i share in the inheritance of Jesus himself. what an unthinkable grace and mercy that you’ve poured out to me. thank you for your endless generosity toward me, a sinner. give me a passion to share your generosity with those around me. bring me brothers and sisters to build up today, celebrating your amazing grace! amen.
~arwen eastman