“for which i am suffering, bound with chains as a criminal. but the word of God is not bound!” [2 timothy 2:9]

have you ever been in a very dark room long enough for your eyes to adjust, only to have the lights turned on out of nowhere? its shocking, and surprising, there’s such a huge contrast between the complete darkness and bright lights coming on out of nowhere that most of the time you can’t even see for a while!

this same contrast is what paul writes about here as he compares his physical situation of bondage to the freedom that’s found in the word of God. it’s dark as paul writes about the chains and suffering that he’s experiencing. then, out of nowhere, we are almost blinded as paul exclaims this truth! “the word of God is not bound!”

this is such an important reminder, such an important spiritual discipline that paul shows us here. as he allows the brokenness around him to remind of the hope and freedom and truth of the gospel. as paul viewed his own chains and felt the suffering that he was experiencing, he could have become hopeless and downtrodden, but instead, he lifts his eyes to his king and reminds himself of the solid, never changing, never bound word of God.

so brothers and sisters, as we may be isolated or separated, bound by “chains” of social distancing, may we remind ourselves that no matter what happens around us, the word of God is not and never will be bound! it’s because of that, that we can live in freedom and joy even when we may be physically distanced or separated.

just as there’s a stark contrast between blinding light and complete darkness, the word of God stands in complete contrast to the bondage and effects of sin that we feel on this earth.

be encouraged, God’s word is still living and active and powerful. he is alive and moving, saving hearts, growing and shaping us to look more like Jesus as we pursue him in his word.

so go in faith, spend time today in the powerful, unbound word of God.

meditate on it, spend time with Jesus, then go. go and encourage those around you, reach out to a brother or sister. maybe it’s a text, or a facetime call, but reach out and encourage them with the truth and hope of the word of God that you’ve mediated on.

may our eyes be lifted to the King of kings and may our suffering remind us of the freedom that is ours in Christ!

~ josiah bridges