you are not restricted by us, but you are restricted in your own affections. [2 corinthians 6:12]


what “restricts” my “affections” for you Lord?

it is a simple question but i have a feeling it could be hard to voice that directly to the Lord. i have another feeling that the answer will not be so simple to determine. i have a challenge for you today. spend the whole day asking the Lord this question and begin by asking it right now. there is a second part to this challenge. ask the Lord a second question –

what stirs my “affections” for you Lord?


i think if you ask these two questions and sit and listen you will be surprised what you hear. please, take a moment, be still, get something to write with and see what God shows you. open your bible and see where God takes you. if you want some help, go to it is a great tool. put in “love” in the search bar and just search the new testament and you will find a bounty of verses to read as you ask God this question.

right now, let’s go to war for your soul. ask God these two questions believing he will respond.


Lord make this a moment in the quietness of your presence, in the stillness as i wait on you, when you search my heart and reveal to me what restricts my affections for you and what stirs my affections for you. please, Lord, hear my plea, even as i come to you all day in this request! in Jesus name, amen!

search me, o God, and know my heart! try me and know my thoughts! and see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!  [psalm 139-23-24]


~ john ryan