we put no obstacle in anyone’s way, so that no fault may be found with our ministry, [2 corinthians 6:3]


we are ambassadors as we learned last week, but in this verse we learn we are not alone. our actions affect so many people around us. we are given responsibility.

draw near to God today. first, pray for the ministry he has given you. no, you may not be called to be the next leader, but you are called to the ministry God has given you. today, pray that God opens your eyes to the ministry that he has for you on this day. pray that you are walking hand in hand with your Father as you walk out what he has in store for you.

second, pray that he guides you to be his light in the ministry ahead of you. pray for humility and weakness to be the way in which you walk so that he may be the strength that shines through your life.

last, pray for your fellow ambassadors. those who are walking into the ministry alongside you in the unique way God has for them. pray for your brothers and sisters to have a heart of obedience and endurance.


~ holly russell