to timothy, my beloved child: grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. [2 tim 1:2]

my beloved child… can you hear the voice of God speaking through paul in these words? as you go about your day today, as you may feel alone, overwhelmed or afraid with everything that’s going on around you, meditate on this truth, that we are the beloved children of God who have received grace, mercy and peace from the king of kings himself! [gal 3:26]

while this world may seem to fall apart, and our emotions or feelings of loneliness and isolation threaten to take over…


the one who is grace, mercy and peace himself is calling, calling out to us with arms wide open, inviting us to be still, to spend time in his presence: to refocus, to realign ourselves with the truth of who he is. truth unchanged by time, chaos or pandemics, truth that remains, always faithful, always loving, eternal.

overwhelming grace, spirit filled mercy and unexplainable peace is waiting for us in the presence of our heavenly father. so don’t let your heart be troubled, press in and dwell in his presence right now. today, take time to be still, to sit in his presence and rest in the truth of who he is.

he is

grace when we don’t deserve it,

mercy in our failures and

peace when chaos surrounds