working together with him, then, we appeal to you not to receive the grace of God in vain. for he says, “in a favorable time I listened to you, and in a day of salvation I have helped you.” behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation. [2 corinthians 6:1-2]


here are the questions from this passage:

why are you waiting to receive and live in God’s grace?

why are you waiting to tell others about God’s grace?


according to God’s word, the time is now to receive God’s grace. now! there is an urgency which prompts and urgent question from me: have you received the grace of God? that is, have you received Jesus’ gift of his life in place of your life, his death in place of your death, and his righteousness in place of your sin. you receive this grace by simply confessing you are a sinner, that you are turning from all ways to be right before God and turning to Jesus alone to be right with God so you can be with God. – please, receive his grace in Jesus now. this is salvation!

this is also the time, Christ follower who has received God’s grace in Jesus, to begin living in his grace day to day. please, don’t receive his grace for salvation in vain. that is, don’t reject it as your only hope to live day to day in this life. your life now is saturated in his grace. receive it today and live in it today. it will lead to walking in abundant forgiveness, no shame, and no regret. and, if you receive it today afresh it will lead to the next statement.

now is also the time to give God’s grace to others. if you have received and are living in God’s grace, man we long to give it away. what is stopping you from giving the gift of God’s grace in Jesus to another today? give it away freely, with joy, with the urgency of someone who has the only cure for _________. give it away! give it away!


Father, we ask in the name of salvation for someone right now as they read this! we ask for some to walk in the grace of God today – living in forgiveness and freedom from shame and guilt like never before. and, we ask, that by the power of your Spirit, you would empower us all to give your grace away. in Jesus name – amen!


~ john ryan