from now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer. therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. the old has passed away; behold, the new has come. [2 corinthians 5:16-17]


in Christ, you are a new creation.

that means the old you, the old man, the old flesh, the old nature – that could only sin (rom 3:10-18), that was an enemy of God (col 1:21), that was separated from God’ glory (rom 3:23), that was under God’s judgment (rom 6:23), and that was sentenced to eternal wrath apart from God (rev 20:14-15) – is now gone.


out with the old – in with the new.


you now have a new nature. the “new” here is not about being new in the sense of time, it is new in relation to the old. it is not like getting a brand new car, rather, God has taken the old car, stripped it bare, completely rebuilt it anew. the old and all its sinful ways have been infiltrated with the new creation.

God has breathed his new life into you. just like he breathed life into adam, he breaths his Spirit and life into us. (gen 2:7; john 20:22)

today, live from your new identity: your new life that can obey with joy, (2 cor 10:5), that is a friend of God (john 15:14-15), that is in union with Christ (rom 6:5), that is free from condemnation (rom 8:1), and that will live forever with God (john 3:16).


today and tomorrow and for as long as you give me breath LORD, i want to live from my new identity. because of Jesus, give me power to live in the new! for the fame of Jesus, give me joy to live in the new! in Jesus name – amen!


~ john ryan