” … and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” [matthew 28:20]
these are the last words of the great commission – “go therefore and make disciples of all the nations.” these are Jesus’ last words in the book of matthew. these are powerful last words! don’t miss them. they are the fulfilled promise from the words of isaiah concerning the prophecy of Immanuel – God with us.
therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. [isaiah 7:14]
God promised to come and be with us. but there was so much more to this promise than just a visit, his coming to identify with us, or even the example of his life lived among us. yes, God came to be with us. but, he came to be with us – so we could be with him. by faith in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, by trusting our soul to his work – we are made right with God, so we can be with God.
behold, I am with you always,
today, wherever you are, realize God with you makes the place where you are a sacred place. whatever time you are reading this, realize God with you makes this moment a sacred moment. finally, realize God with you makes what you are dong a sacred act. (all of this is sacred not because of where you, what time it is, or what you are doing. it is sacred because God is with you – through the work of Christ.)
behold, I am with you always,
today, sit in this sacred place, in this sacred moment, and this sacred act – believing what Jesus said is true.
behold, I am with you always,
rest, enjoy, be full, grieve, rejoice, weep, be satisfied, be hope-filled, joy-filled, comfort-filled – in the presence of God. ask for his presence to give these things. because he is these things, he can and will give them. in Christ, he is with you now!
behold, I am with you always,
~ john ryan