for God, who said, “let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. [2 corinthians 4:6]


today, just slow down … stop the mind work for a few minutes … and wait on the Lord … in his word!  “be still and know that I AM God.” (ps 46:10)

use this passage, and allow the following things below to be a guide as you sit and wait on his presence.

  • pray before you read – tell the LORD what you need him to be. (grace, hope, mercy) before you ask him to do – tell him what you need him to BE.
  • read the passage – what excites you about who HE is? write it down or at the least – praise him for that right now!
  • pray one more time – tell the LORD what you need him to do. (provide reconciliation, speak hope in me, etc.) what do you need God to DO.
  • read the passage one more time – what has he done in Christ? what does that mean for what you long for him to do now?
  • pray one last time – thank him for who he is! thank him for what he has done! beg him him to move in you and through you because of Christ’s work – not yours! plead with him now in the name and work of Jesus!


enjoy the presence of the LORD. he is with you because God has broken through the darkness of our sin and shone the light of Jesus into our soul – bringing mercy, purifying us as his temple. because of this, God is with you. God is in you! be still and know that he is God, your God!


~ john ryan