since we have such a hope, we are very bold, not like moses, who would put a veil over his face so that the israelites might ot gaze at the outcome of what was being brought to an end. [2 corinthians 3:12-13]


hope. it’s the life blood of all we do. whatever we hope for determines our thoughts, our actions, our conversations, our plans, and our dreams. if our hope is in the glory of God through the blood of the Lamb, our thoughts, actions, interactions, plans, and dreams will be joy filled, awe inspired, and satisfying. we know this to be true. we know it in our heads. so, why are our thoughts, actions, interactions, plans and dreams disappointing? unsatisfying? drudgery? selfish? dull?  if this knowledge doesn’t turn into true belief, our hope will be misplaced.

we know our hope should be in the perfect union we will have with God when our flesh no longer stands in the way. we even get a taste of that perfect union now. we are one with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. we even have the mind of Christ. but, our flesh gives us a false sense of satisfaction in earthly things like power, authority, popularity, beauty, possessions, riches, sensuality. our enemy feeds us constant lies about pleasures of the world fulfilling our hope for satisfaction, and tempts us to worship them above their Creator.

so, it is unbelief that causes us to stray from the only thing that can truly satisfy us – the glory of God. it’s what we were made for. it’s in the very fibers of our being. but, unbelief causes us to be blind to it. just like moses’ veil, that caused the israelites to look for satisfaction in the law itself, our unbelief makes us think our satisfaction will be found in what we do here in this life. our hope is misplaced, and the glory is veiled.

today, let’s ask collectively for the Lord to unveil his glory. let’s beg him to see him as he truly is… full of majesty, completely irresistible, fear inducing, yet all satisfying. think of how this body of believers could be used if we all set our hope in the unveiled glory of the Lord! ~ now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope. romans 15:13


Father, fix our eyes on you. show us your all satisfying presence so that we lose our taste for earthly fulfillment. fill us with the boldness of your Spirit. crush the lies of the enemy, and free us with your perfect truth. we believe your glory is all satisfying. but Father, help our unbelief. in the name of Jesus, with the power of the Spirit, and for the glory of the Father, amen.


~ arwen eastman