for we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, [2 corinthians 2:15]
some people i know are buying a new house. the house is awesome, but it has one major flaw – the previous owners were smokers. for 23 years they smoked inside the house and the second you walk in your nose knows it. they’re going to have to have the house cleaned, replace the carpeting, and do a few other things to try to get the smoke smell out of the house before they move in.
the thing about the house is, it smells like smoke. that’s just true about what the house is. everyone that goes into it knows it. and if you like the smell of smoke then i suppose you would like the smell of this house. and if you don’t like the smell of decades old smoke, then you wouldn’t like it.
the illustration paul uses in this passage is a statement of identity. followers of Jesus are the aroma of Christ. more than something we do, this is something we are. wherever we go this is still true of us. our presence makes those around us aware of the gospel.
if our identity is an aroma that spreads the gospel, then that means our identity is a reflection of Christ’s work in our life. i’d like to use this as an opportunity to press into the presence of the Lord in worship.
spend time today searching scripture and asking the Lord to remind you of Christ’s work. what has he given for you? how has he changed you? what has he done for you? in other words, what aroma are you giving off to the world around you? for example – Christ has forgiven you of your sins. which means the aroma you carry to the world is forgiven. when you are present, people are able to see the gospel work of forgiveness through you.
what other aspects of your identity would reveal the gospel to others through you? spend time being reminded of these things and worshiping and praising God for making these things true! not only is this an amazing way to worship the Lord, but it will also cause you to reflect these truths to the world in a deeper way, as you grow in your understanding and trust in the work of Christ.
~ keith kozlowski