and it is God who establishes us with you in Christ, and has anointed us…[2 corinthians 1:21]


“in Christ.” these are two words that you find all over the new testament. as believers God establishes us in Christ. our identity is completely remade in him. for example, apart from Christ i am bound to my sin. but in Christ i am free. we have the privilege to live out of our new identity in Christ rather than be tied to who we were apart from him. but we frequently forget who we are – who God has remade us to be.

so today i would encourage you to take time and be reminded (or learn for the first time) of who you are in Christ. your identity established in him. below are verses that correlate with a statement about your identity. use these truths and passages to worship the Lord and sit in his presence. ask him to remind you of who you are. maybe you just look at one aspect of your identity a day. maybe you pick five from this list that you’re drawn towards. or maybe you spend the whole day pouring over each of these things (this list is far from exhaustive by the way – you can find plenty more in scripture about who God says you are in Christ).

however you use this resource, let it not be an academic study, but an opportunity to commune with your Father, who has established you in Christ.

~ keith kozlowski

a new creation            2 corinthians 5:17

            justified            romans 5:1

            righteous            2 corinthians 5:21

            free            galatians 5:1

            God’s temple            1 corinthians 3:16

            adopted            ephesians 1:5

            a chose race            1 peter 2:9

            a royal priesthood            1 peter 2:9

            God’s possession            1 peter 2:9

            wonderfully made            psalm 139:14

            God workmanship            ephesians 2:10

            member of the body of Christ            1 corinthians 12:27

            an ambassador of Christ            2 corinthians 5:20

            free from condemnation            romans 8:1

            the people of God            psalm 100:3

            friend of Jesus            john 15:15

            citizen of heaven            philippians 3:20

            a child of God            john 1:12

            loved             1 john 4:16

            accepted            romans 15:7

            heir            romans 8:17

            forgiven            psalm 103:12