“blessed is the man against whom the Lord will not count his sin.”
is this blessing then only for the circumcised, or also for the uncircumcised? for we say that faith was counted to abraham as righteousness.
[romans 4:8-9]
only the Lord can give eternal and spiritual blessings.
we are blessed in many ways.
common grace is a blessing given to all whether they are in Christ or not.
at times. we are all blessed with…
food, rain, shelter, love, sunshine, work, relationships, children, laughter, health, and more.
these blessings are temporary.
special grace are blessings given to all those in Christ.
at ALL times, those in Christ are blessed with…
unconditional, unwavering – mercy, forgiveness, grace, love, grace, kindness, joy, peace, presence, and more.
and these blessings are eternal.
today, if you are in Christ –
one of the eternal, spiritual blessings (eph 1:3) you have is the …
“Lord will not count” your sin against you.
this means –
you have blessed by the LORD with …
his forgiveness and righteousness through the person and work of Christ.
because of this …
he will never look upon you or treat you with condemnation for his wrath has been removed from you.
because of this …
you can enjoy his presence – right now!
you can enjoy his peace – right now!
you can enjoy his love – right now!
and, all this is your in Christ and accessible – right now – by faith.
“for we say that faith was counted to abraham as righteousness.”
we receive eternal justification (right standing before God) by faith and we taste the reality of that – right now – by faith.
so, we come by faith and ask the LORD to help us receive what is ours in Christ –
are sins are no longer counted against us.
yes, LORD! make it so – by the work of the holy, innocent Jesus and by the power of your Spirit who dwells in us.
in Jesus name –
~ john ryan