may the Lord speak so clearly through this word today that you know you have heard his voice.

may the Lord stir worship in your heart as you hear his voice.

may the Lord stir a greater affection and deep submission.

may the Lord lead you to humble and joyful obedience as you hear his voice today.


come Holy Spirit speak…

your servant is listening.


be still.

take a moment to let God hear your greatest need right now.

ask him to speak. ask him to let you hear his voice in his word.

ask him to stir worship, affection, submission, and obedience.



be still.

then read and listen to his voice.


“come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: 

though your sins are like scarlet, 

they shall be as white as snow; 

though they are red like crimson, 

they shall become like wool. 

if you are willing and obedient, 

you shall eat the good of the land; 

but if you refuse and rebel, 

you shall be eaten by the sword; 

for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.” 

[isaiah 1:18–20]




~ john ryan