fear not, nor be afraid; have i not told you from of old and declared it? and you are my witnesses! is there a God besides me? there is no rock; i know not any.” [isaiah 44:8]


when all is stripped away, our rock is revealed.


we went on vacation this week. it was great. a time of intentional fun, encouragement, and enjoyment of my family. however, when the brakes on the van started acting up and we watched as it was towed away down the colorado mountain, it was planes, trains, and automobiles, to get our family back to missouri. as we all went our separate ways, anxieties were high, and several in my family suddenly felt out of control. but in reality, it was only our perceived control that was unveiled as false. our hope in our reliable vehicle, our itinerary for vacation, our facade of having all the answers for our children, were stripped away. what was revealed was where we were actually putting our hope and trust. 


as our family parted, what we needed was a lot of remembering, refocusing, and repositioning our trust and hope. to remember that the Lord is faithful in all things, to refocus on the one who is sovereign over all the earth, and repositioning our trust and hope to the only Hope that is trustworthy! to remember that Christ is our Rock, that there is no other, and to that we are witnesses, so we need not fear, nor to be afraid!


this week was a trial, though small and short lived. but some in our body are really hurting. some have been suffering long term. some have been dealing with anxieties for years. some are still struggling to forgive offenses and hurts even from childhood.


are you coming alongside these brothers and sisters with this hope? are you declaring the same truth that God himself does, that he is the only Rock, and so we need not fear?


today, in the presence of our Sovereign Promise Keeper, ask him to move you in this truth. ask him to give you full assurance of his mighty hand and his steadfast love. ask for greater faith and an unshakeable trust in his good plan. ask him to move you to declare your Rock to his body, the church, to build her up and point her to Jesus, the only hope who is faithful and true.


we have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain, where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf, having become a high priest forever after the order of melchizedek. [hebrews 6:19-20]


~arwen eastman