10 always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies. 11 for we who live are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. 12 so death is at work in us, but life in you. – [2 corinthians 4:10-12]


death that brings life


the general thought on death is that death brings finality. once something or someone dies, they cease to exist, and carry on only in memory. where death is present, life is over. death is generally perceived as the ending and final opposite of life. something or, someone, in either dead or alive. there is no coexistence of the two.


yet Jesus gives us a different perspective. death is not the ending, but the beginning. death is no longer something to fear, but something to be carried in our bodies so that we may also carry the life of Jesus in our bodies. after the crucifixion, Jesus was dead. no pulse, not breath. yet he rose from the dead, fully alive, defeating death so that we too may have a hope in life after death.


paul writes in 1 corinthians 15, “o death, where is your victory? o death, where is your sting?”. death no longer has the final say, death no longer stands as the end and opposite of life because Christ has defeated death.


as believers in Christ, we carry death and persecution in our bodies, but it only serves to manifest the glory of Jesus in our bodies. the more we are persecuted, the more he is glorified. the hope within us cannot be snuffed out by pain or death – these only serve to bring glory to Christ who suffered, died, and defeated death on our behalf. death is no longer something to be feared as ‘the end’ because Jesus has made a way past death to life eternal.


paul is speaking to the persecution that he was experiencing in Christ, and how it only served to bring life to the body of believers. May we take a moment each day to consider how death is not the end – that we carry both life and death in our bodies in order to bring glory to Jesus who has defeated death and given us life eternal.



~ jason soroski