1 paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God, 2 which he promised beforehand through his prophets in the holy scriptures, 3 concerning his Son, who was descended from david according to the flesh 4 and was declared to be the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord – [romans 1:1-4]
a promise fulfilled
there are some stories that must be told. there are experiences that are so powerful, so important, that we share them every time we have a chance. there are things that we want everyone to know about us, because we can’t help but want to tell.
these four verses at the beginning of the letter to the romans are like this. paul is already talking about what he always talks about – the beauty and power of the gospel.
he starts off with describing himself as a servant, then as an apostle, because he values his service to the king more than he does the title that goes with it.
he reminds us how Jesus didn’t simply appear out of nowhere. Jesus was predicted and promised for hundreds of years in the law and the prophets. paul is reminding us that the story is true! everything prophesied by moses, elijah, david, isaiah, and every prophet in the old testament points to the truth of Christ – a truth that he had seen with his own eyes!
Jesus is both the son of david and the son of God. Jesus alone fulfilled every scripture, he alone offers salvation, and he alone can forgive us and cleanse us of our sin.
finally, paul reminds us that Jesus did what had never been done before or since – he rose from the dead. he now reigns with God the Father, paving the way for us to also have a hope beyond death and a purpose in this life.
paul cannot go even four verses without talking about that which is most important to him, the thing that keeps him going no matter the situation. may we also take time daily to remember that we do not have ‘good morals’, but have seen the truth of the one true God. may the gospel be ever on our lips, our salvation always on or heart, and a desire to share the truth that holds so much meaning.
~ jason soroski