at the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in prison — that i may make it clear, which is how i ought to speak. [colossians 4:3-4]


sometimes we believe paul the apostle, the one speaking in this passage – always did the right thing and always knew the right thing to say.


he was limited by his humanness.

which meant, he did not know everything.

he was a new creation in Christ, but he still had an old nature that did not want to obey Christ.

which meant, he did not always do what was right.


ultimately, this meant he became keenly aware how desperate he was for the Spirit.

he was desperate for the Spirit to obey the Lord.

he was desperate for the Spirit to say the right thing


which is why, he asks the people of colossae to pray for him.

he desperately needed the Spirit of God to do anything … as do you and i.


where do you desperately need the Spirit today?

where do you need to share the gospel – as he desires?

what do you need to do – as he desires?

where do you need his courage to face a battle – as he desires?


last question –

who will you ask to pray for you?

i want to encourage you with two things –

  1. pray for daily desperation for the Spirit. you do need him desperately to do anything he desires.
  2. text someone right now, and tell them how you need them to pray for you today. you need their prayer.


~ john ryan