if then God gave the same gift to them as he gave to us when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was i that i could stand in God’s way?” [acts 11:17]
standing in God’s way – is never a good thing or a godly thing.
couldn’t list all the number of times i have tried to stand in God’s way. here are a few. can you relate…
- trying to make my dream come true instead of following God’s will
- not sharing his love and truth when i know he was asking me to
- being silent when i should have spoke up
- coddling and protecting someone in their sin
- coddling and protecting me in my sin
- trying to shape someone into my image instead of the image of Christ
- speaking words of bitterness and condemnation instead of grace to one in sin
- not encouraging a sister when i knew God was urging me to
- holding on to my anger when he was trying to give me mercy and grace
- living in anxiousness instead of remembering the peace he offers
i could on and on and on …. and on.
how about you and i decide not to stand in God’s way.
right now,
– submit to the Spirit and ask him to give you joy as he does his will in you and through you.
– ask him to fill you all day(not just for a moment) with his Spirit and joyful submission.
– ask him. he loves this prayer!
and going a little farther he (Jesus) fell on his face and prayed, saying, “my father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as i will, but as you will. [matt 26:39]
~ john ryan