preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. [2 timothy 4:2]

being teachable is one of the most powerful evidences that God’s Spirit is at work in you.

we like to say things like, “i haven’t arrived,” or “i have so much to learn,” or “God is still working on me.” but, the truth of those statements gets tested every time God confronts our heart with something we are not. we say we are teachable, until God says, “please, for my glory and your good, this must be changed in you.”

being teachable does not solely mean: to learn new truths about God and his gospel work in Jesus. this is part of being teachable, but it is not the totality. being teachable, does not solely mean: be a diligent student of the word. this is part of being teachable, but it is not the totality. being teachable means: 1) we consistently put ourselves in front of God’s word, 2) we listen and expose our heart and mind to the truths of the gospel in God’s word, and 3) we submit to the power of the gospel and the Spirit to change our heart to align with this truth(s).

God is doing an ongoing transforming work in your soul to restore it to the very image of Christ. this image of Christ is what you were intended to be (genesis 1:26-27) and from this image you were intended to live. (genesis 1:28-31) the sin of this world and your sin has shattered, broken this image. but, Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection is full of the truth and power to redeem your soul and restore your soul.

as a redeemed Christ follower, being teachable is saying, “God you have redeemed me to you, now continue to restore me. have your way in me.”

is this your prayer? the attitude of your heart? are you daily, hourly, … teachable? this is not our nature, but in Christ we have his mind which allows us to humbly submit ourselves to God and his work. (phil 2:5)

ask God for this teachable heart. ask God to submit you to his truth and his Spirit that changes our heart and actions. then avail yourself to the word and Spirit and allow them to teach you. colossians 3:15-17 is a great place to sit in the word today and be taught. read, wait, and let God go to work. let him continue his work in you!  his desire is his glory and your good!

~ john ryan