now the apostles and the brothers who were throughout judea heard that the gentiles also had received the word of God. so when peter went up to jerusalem, the circumcision party criticized him, saying, “you went to uncircumcised men and ate with them.” [acts 11:1-3]
you went to uncircumcised men and ate with them
under mosaic law, uncircumcised men were unclean. jews didn’t go under a gentile’s roof, let alone eat a meal with them—until Jesus came and died and rose again that is! under the law, we gentiles were unclean—unacceptable. we couldn’t go into the inner courts of the temple, into God’s presence—until Jesus made a way! by the atoning blood of Christ, by faith in his name we are made clean, and can approach him with confidence as sons and daughters of the king! praise the Lord!
Lord Jesus, thank you for making a way for us to be forgiven, justified, made clean, adopted, and sanctified. thank you for giving up your high status to come down and be born in a manger, be mocked and beaten and killed, so that we can rest in the Father’s joy in us! help us to live in thankfulness daily for who you are and what you’ve done—and that we get to be with you, now through your Spirit and for eternity in your glory.
~ stephen hall