shadrach, meshach, and abednego answered and said to the king, “o nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter. if this be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of your hand, o king. but if not, be it known to you, o king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.” [daniel 3:16-18]
rich words.
full of the Spirit.
truth for the moment, and
edification for all who would follow Christ Jesus in the future.
there is so much truth, power, and hope in these words. much has been said and will continue to be said around these three sentences. today, i want you to let one more voice speak into these words. for these are his words, that is, these are the words of the Spirit of the living God. please, give the Spirit some time today to speak into your heart through his words. i will guide us below – but let’s give him space and permission to speak, reveal, convict, encourage, and heal.
come Lord, speak to us through your words.
first, ask the Spirit to speak through his words and ask him to help you believe he will.
second, submit your heart and mind to him and his words. confess your need and declare your submission to his all he says.
now – read the passage…
- what do you see about God that stirs your devotion, your worship? what is he revealing about himself? speak out your worship to almighty God. make it personal.
- what do you see about yourself that stirs confession? speak out confession now.
- what ask God asking you to believe or do regarding what he has revealed about himself or you? wait on the Lord for a moment. what is he asking of you?
- finally, ask the Spirit to empower your heart to believe and act. ask the Spirit to remind you he is with you because of Jesus’ work, you are loved because of Jesus’ work, and he is calling you to act from Jesus’ work. now go – in his presence and his power!
~ john ryan