as for the word that he sent to israel, preaching good news of peace through Jesus Christ (he is Lord of all), you yourselves know what happened throughout all judea, beginning from galilee after the baptism that john proclaimed: how God anointed Jesus of nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. he went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him. [acts 10:36-38]


the gospel of Jesus Christ. the good news that God the Father sent his Son into the world, anointing him at the right time for the mission he came to carry out, full of the Holy Spirit. the whirlwind of his ministry over the next three years as he showed everyone his authority over life, over death, over sin, and over the enemy. with the perfect joy he had in unity with the Father and the Spirit, he called people everywhere to an eternal kingdom. his kingdom. his kingdom that will never end. now, here in the house of gentiles, his kingdom is extended to all who will believe. jew, greek, young, or old, this good news of God’s all-satisfying glory is now offered to all.


how are you doing at offering this kingdom to the world? when was the last time you spoke of your King Jesus to someone who desperately needs him? just like Cornelius and all who were gathered in his house that day, God is preparing hearts all over the world to receive his kingdom. Jesus tells us in matthew 9:35 that the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. this harvest did not go sparse when Jesus left this earth. this harvest did not thin out once the early church period ended. this harvest did not wane when communities spread out and crossed oceans and settled new lands. the harvest is still plentiful. and the harvest is everywhere. are you looking for it? how are you laboring for the gospel?


Father, forgive us for hiding our lights under baskets in our homes and in our churches. forgive us for fearing the response of man. forgive us for our lack of compassion toward the lost. forgive us and fill us with zeal for your name, a longing to see your glory shine in the hearts of others, and a passion for your kingdom to come and for your will to be done here on earth. make us a people who proclaim all you are and all you have done! you are Lord of all!


~arwen eastman