but each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death. [james 1:14-15]


sin has one end – death.

Jesus has one end – life.



sin is not your comforter, your friend, your hope, your peace, your way, your truth, or your joy. it is your death.

Jesus is … your Comforter, your Friend, your Hope, your Peace, your Way, your Truth, your Joy. he is your Life.


sin tempts, lures, entices. [james 1:14-15]

Jesus blesses, chooses, redeems. [eph 1:4-6]


sin deceives you, cause you to coddle it, and moves you to nurture a place for it in your heart so it can grow into maturity. and when fully grown, it does not bring life – it brings death.

Jesus redeems, transforms, and restores your soul. and when he brings you into full maturity, you have his life which gives you unity and wisdom in him to fight the schemes and lies of sin. [eph 4:13-14]


sin has one end – death.

Jesus has one end – life.


o Father,

thank you for Jesus, for the life he is and the life he gives to me. for the life he gives by his death. for the life he gives even though i have only chased after death in my sin. for the life he gives because he took on my sin. for the life he gives because he bore the death of my sin. for the life he gives – because in the end – JESUS is greater than sin! help me believe today – deeper, wider, more fully in my soul – that sin, my sin, only has one end – death. and help me believe today – deeper, wider, more fully in my soul – that Jesus only has one end – life!


~ john ryan