i thank God whom i serve, as did my ancestors, with a clear conscience, as i remember you constantly in my prayers night and day. [2 timothy 1:3]

if there is one thing i know about idol time and isolation, it is that the enemy loves to use these as opportunities to whisper lies in our ears. perhaps you have heard some of these lies in the last couple of weeks…

“remember that one sin from your past…God hasn’t really forgiven you for that.”

“you’re going to be alone for weeks…no one will know about sin you commit today.”

“you’re suffering…you deserve to indulge a little to take the edge off.”

these are lies that not only lead us into sin, but cause us to sit in shame rather than serve God with a clear conscience. a guilty conscience causes us to hide from his presence. be reminded today that in Christ you can stand before God with a clear conscience because he removes your guilt! fight the lies of the enemy and enjoy the presence of God by praying through these truths…

  • sin defiles your conscience (titus 1:15)
  • the Holy Spirit reveals sin to you through your conscience (romans 9:1)
  • God forgives repentant sin (1 john 1:9)
  • Christ’s sacrifice cleanses your conscience and frees you to serve God (hebrews 9:13-14)