but because of your hard and impenitent heart you are storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath when God’s righteous judgment will be revealed. [romans 2:5]


this was not a verse i found on a sign on my bedroom wall or hanging in the church where i grew up. it’s not a verse that our culture would get behind, and it definitely doesn’t make the list of most popular bible verse tattoos.

the problem is, we don’t get to pick what is in God’s word. God does.
this verse is graciously sharing the truth with us, so we need to deal with it.
paul is communicating that a soft and repentant heart is what is required to avoid God’s wrath. God hates sin, and he will pour out his wrath on sin. that’s the bad news. but, that makes the good news even sweeter. the gospel communicates that if we confess that Jesus is Lord and repent of our sin, God’s wrath is poured out on Jesus instead of us.
as romans 1:32 communicates, those who sin deserve to die. that’s you, and that’s me.
someone has to pay for our sin. either Jesus already did, or you’re going to.
believer, be reminded today of the mercy of God. that Jesus would willingly take on your punishment to allow you to spend eternity with him. meditate on that. through Jesus, you are at peace with God.
colossians 3:15 – “and let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called with one body. and be thankful.”
to the person who has not surrendered their life to Jesus, today is the day! confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead and you will be saved (romas 10:9)! today is the day to repent of living for yourself, and turn to God! a loving father who longs for relationship with you.
~ john sandman